Miss South Carolina Palmetto Teen

Lillian Pellegrino, crowned in June as Miss South Carolina Palmetto Teen, is a Junior at Dorman High School, where she is a member of the National Beta Club and the Girl’s Lacrosse Team. She received  the “Captain’s Leadership Award” and the “Unsung Hero Award” for her leadership on and off the field. She enjoys attending FCA, Dorman football games and the many other functions her school hosts. Her favorite event of the school year is the Razzle Dazzle Ball, a prom honoring teens living with disabilities.

Lillian spends her summers under the sun as a lifeguard and her free time with friends and family. She enjoys volunteering, modeling, gift giving and anonymously suprising others with a note of encouragement or a small bouquet of fresh flowers. Fun facts: She had rather write an old fashion letter than send a text. She loves caring for and rescuing animals and has three dogs and two guinea pigs, and recently adopted the neighbor’s horse and chickens.

During her reign as Miss SC Palmetto Teen, she will promote serving and encouraging others through her “Live BIGG!” initiative- Living to Be Intentionally Grateful and Generous. Throughout the year, Lillian will share her story of hope and healing as she works to spread awareness and education on the intervention and prevention of bullying. She is also passionate about partnering with the community to bring greater opportunity for teens living with intellectual and physical disabilities. Finally, she looks forward to visiting schools and community centers as a reading mentor to encourage literacy and the love of reading. She invites you to join her. Let’s “Live BIGG!”